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La forêt tropicale du parc national du Gunung Leuser abrite les derniers orang-outans de Sumatra (moins de 6500) mais aussi d'autres espèces sauvages en voie de disparition. La jungle de Sumatra est un écosystème unique mais fragile où toutes les espèces de flore et de faune sont interdépendantes. Menacée par les plantations de palmiers à huile, la forêt tropicale encore restante est une zone protégée ! C'est la raison pour laquelle nous sommes fortement engagés en faveur de l'éco-tourisme et souhaitons minimiser l'impact de chaque visiteur. Ainsi, il n'est pas possible de faire un trek dans le parc national du Gunung Leuser sans guide officiel. Pour préserver cet écosystème unique, il est important que chaque visiteur prenne conscience de son impact et fasse tout son possible pour aider à assurer la survie des espèces menacées et de leur maison, la merveilleuse jungle de Sumatra ! Ensemble, protégeons et sauvons les 6500 (ou moins) orangs-outans de Sumatra!


To control the negative human impacts and optimize your experience in the jungle do not plan a trekking group of more than 6 people!  


Do absolutely not touch orangutans or any other wildlife. Indeed orangutans share 96.5% of human ADN so they may catch your diseases and you might catch theirs. What can be a small cold for us, can kill them!


Do not go trekking if you are sick and let us know about your condition! Indeed orangutans share 96.5% of human ADN so they may catch your diseases and you might catch theirs. What can be a small cold for us, can kill them!

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Do not feed the orangutans (or other wildlife) under any circumstances (especially not for selfie purposes!). You might meet some guides in the jungle who are doing it but Sumatra Orangutan Explore doesn't tolerate this practice! 

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While observing the orangutans, keep a security distance of 10 meters and try to sit. Be as quiet as possible, do not call them & do not make monkeys sounds. Do not open your bag. Do not observe them for more than 15 minutes & always keep an eye on your guide!

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Do not stay between two orangutans especially between a mum and its baby or between a female and a male (during love season). 

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Do not damage/take/pick any plants, leafs, seeds or fruits in the jungle as the rainforest is a unique & very fragile ecosystem where everything is interdependent!

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Less-waste policy: follow our policy and try to produce as less waste as possible while trekking and give us everything sothat we can bring all waste back to Bukit Lawang to be recycled!

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Keep the jungle clean! Do not leave anything in the jungle (tissue, water bottles, cigarette butts, food scraps, plastic). Our guides are doing everything to keep the jungle clean so if you'd like you can help them to collect some rubbish on your way! 

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Do not go into the jungle  alone & without a certified guide! 

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Bukit Lawang, Sumatra du Nord, Indonésie
+62 823 0418 7433
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Bukit Lawang Trust
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Explore Sumatra
Ici Laos Cambodge
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Maky & Matt

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